Future Card Buddyfight Ace Ultimate Booster Box Cross Vol. 3 (BFE-S-UB-C03) THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS Theater Booster Box-English
SKU: GC3905Description
Primary Worlds & Card Types
Total of 172 types
ER: 3 / IR: 74 / RRR: 9 / RR: 15 / R: 30 / U: 41
★ ★ ★ Highlights ★ ★ ★ ★ “THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS” ★
“THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS” is a famous idol producing game originating from Japan, and has also garnered a rather large following overseas! This set features the cute and charming characters from the spin-off anime series, “CINDERELLA GIRLS Theater”! Join them as they make their debut in the world of Buddyfight!!
★ Introducing the Flag which drives this set! ★
This flag gives the player using it the ability to gain 1 life, draw a card and put a card from the top deck face down into the buddy zone at the end of his or her turn.
The significance of putting a card into the buddy zone is that for each face down card in your buddy zone, this card also gives the buddy on your field power+2000 and defense+2000!
This means that your buddy will become more powerful with the passing of each turn!!
★ 74 types of Idol Rare (IR) cards??! ★
Idol Rare (IR) is a new rarity unique to this set.
This rarity features hot-stamp character signs, and since there are 74 characters in this entire set, each character will be getting her very own IR!!
Since there are so many Idol Rares, each display contains 2 IR cards to start you off on your collection!
1 pack contains 7 random cards. 1 display booster box contains 10 packs.
1 out of 3 types of PR packs randomly inserted in each display!
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