Cardfight Vanguard Trial Deck 12 (VGE-V-TD12) Ahsha-English (Release Date 26/06/2020)
SKU: GC4289Description
- Introducing the Trial Deck for 《Neo Nectar》! Enjoy cardfights with just this product!
- Featuring 4 copies of the deck's trump card, "Ranunculus Flower Maiden, Ahsha"! This deck inherits the 《Neo Nectar》 characteristic of high-power attacks! With the introduction of "Ahsha's Flower Fairy Tokens" that copy the power and critical of your vanguard, you can experience the feeling of wielding overwhelming power!
- The cards with RRR foil treatment in each deck are "Ranunculus Flower Maiden, Ahsha", "Blossoming Maiden, Cela", "Budding Maiden, Diane", and a random card out of 12 types (remaining 13 types excluding "Maiden of Blossom Rain").
- Reissue cards are 1 copy of "Maiden of Blossom Rain" (the ever popular draw trigger sentinel!), 3 copies of "Amimelo Melon", 4 copies of "Night Queen Musketeer, Daniel", and 3 copies of "Chestnut Bullet"
- Strengthen this deck with Extra Booster 14 "The Next Stage"
- Also featuring a new card type known as "Order"! The player going second gets a "Quick Shield" when he or she rides on the First Vanguard, also featured in this product!
Featured Clans: Neo Nectar
Card Types: 16 types of cards (12 new cards / 4 reissue cards, inclusive of 4 holo cards)
- 1 pre-constructed trial deck contains 50 cards
- 1 display contains 6 decks
- First guide
- Playmat
- 3 Double-sided Gift Markers (Front: Force I, Back: Force II)
- 1 Quick Shield Card
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