3DS Pokemon Y
SKU: GC0824Description
The first Pokemon adventure for Nintendo 3DS, Pokemon X & Y ushers in a new era for the role-playing, creature-capturing series via new starter Pokemon, new Legendary Pokemon, and so much more, all presented in a breathtaking 3D world. Gotta catch 'em all!
The Pokemon games are a series of role-playing games where you assume the role of a hero and set off on an exciting adventure with mysterious creatures called Pokemon! Beyond the exciting story, the series contains many social features, such as trading and battling with friends!
Your grand adventure will take you to many amazing locations on your quest to become the Champion, the strongest Trainer of all. No matter where you go, you'll encounter many different wild Pokemon that you can befriend. You're also sure to meet lots of interesting people, as well as encounter Legendary Pokemon!
Two newly discovered Legendary Pokemon arrive in Pokemon Y. Much mystery still surrounds the Legendary Xerneas and Yveltal, but their importance in your journey will surely be revealed!
Connect across the World with PSS!
Connect and play with other Trainers at any time with the new Player Search System (PSS), which allows you to find other people playing Pokémon X and Pokémon Y! You'll connect to other players nearby or around the world through the Internet. You can even communicate with players you've never had any contact with before. All you need to do to communicate with other players on the PSS is to tap their icons. Then you can easily choose to trade or battle with them. That's not all the PSS can do, so look forward to more info on this exciting feature in the future!
Battle Spot!
With Battle Spot, you can use your Internet connection to battle with players from around the world. Compete in casual Free Battles for everyday challenges, or take on tougher Rating Battles to see how you rank against the competition!
Global Trade Station!
Trade Pokémon with other Trainers around the world using the Global Trade Station! Decide which Pokémon you want to offer in trade and what kind of Pokémon you want to receive in return. If a matching partner can be found anywhere around the world, your trade will be completed.
Previously, you could trade via the GTS only for Pokémon you'd already registered in your Pokédex by seeing or catching them. For the first time in the main Pokémon series, Pokémon X and Pokémon Y allow you to receive a Pokémon not yet registered in your Pokédex via GTS trade!
The All-New Fairy Type!
When the very first Pokémon games launched, there were 15 Pokémon types. Then Dark and Steel types made their debut with the arrival of Pokémon Gold Version and Pokémon Silver Version. Now, more than 10 years later, a new chapter in Pokémon battling history is about to unfold with the Fairy type! You've already met the first Fairy-type Pokémon...Sylveon! There are also Pokémon from previous Pokémon games that will be reclassified as Fairy-type Pokémon. They may look the same, but the strategies you'll choose and the way you use these Pokémon in battle will be unlike ever before!
Mega Pokémon!
Discover some of the incredible Mega Pokémon that await in Pokémon X and Pokémon Y! A Mega-Evolved Pokémon will be able to tap into a strength far greater than it could before. When a Pokémon becomes a Mega Pokémon in battle, Trainers will have a great opportunity to turn a battle around and snag a win! Unlike regular Evolution, Mega Evolution occurs only during battle. Once the battle ends, the Mega-Evolved Pokémon will return to its usual state.
Begin your new adventure with one of three starter Pokémon: the Grass-type Pokémon Chespin, the Fire-type Pokémon Fennekin, or the Water-type Pokémon Froakie. Which Pokémon will you choose?
Classic Pokémon
In Pokémon X and Pokémon Y, it's not Professor Sycamore who gives you your first Pokémon. Instead, when you receive a Pokémon from the professor, you'll be able to choose from Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle! These Pokémon were the first three Pokémon you could start your adventure with in Pokémon Red Version and Pokémon Blue Version, released in North America in 1998, the very beginning of the Pokémon series! And now you'll be able to include them in your party once again.
New Legendary Pokemon
Two newly discovered Legendary Pokémon arrive in Pokémon X and Pokémon Y. Much mystery still surrounds the Legendary Xerneas and Yveltal, but their importance in your journey will surely be revealed! Xerneas's Ability is Fairy Aura, which strengthens Fairy-type moves for all Pokémon in battle, including your opponent's Pokémon!
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